

・Privacy policy(English)



1. 個人情報の取得について

(1) 取得した個人情報は、その利用目的の範囲内で、業務の遂行上必要な限りにおいて利用します。 (2) 取得した個人情報は、法令に基づく命令などを除き、あらかじめお客様の同意を得ることなく第三者に提供することはありません。 (3) 取得した個人情報の取り扱いを、第三者との間で共同利用し、または第三者に提供もしくは委託する場合には個人情報保護の水準を備える者を厳正に選んだうえで、指導・管理を実施し、適切な監督を行います。

3. 開示、訂正、利用停止等の求めに応じる手続
(1) 当社が保有する個人情報については、合理的な範囲で速やかに対応いたします。 (2) お客様ご本人から、当該ご本人に関する個人情報の開示、訂正、追加、削除または利用停止のお申出があった場合、遅滞なく対応いたします。

4. 個人情報の滅失、き損、漏えいおよび不正アクセスなどの予防ならびに是正

5. 個人情報に関する法令およびその他の規範の遵守
6. 個人情報保護方針および社内規程類の継続的改善
7. 個人情報の取り扱いに関する問い合わせ
個人情報の取扱いに関するご質問・苦情等がございましたら、info@hagiwara-kankou.com までご連絡くださいますようお願い申し上げます。
制定日 2016年8月26日

萩原 一貴

Privacy policy

Hagiwara Kanko Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") recognizes the importance of personal information protection (including specific personal information etc.), and sincerely strives to comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information protection, We will strive to protect personal information based on the policy of.

1. About acquiring personal information
In acquiring your personal information, we will acquire it by a lawful and fair method.

2. Usage, provision and consignment of personal information
(1) The acquired personal information will be used within the scope of its purpose of use, as far as it is necessary for carrying out business.
(2) Except for orders based on laws and regulations, personal information obtained will not be provided to third parties without obtaining prior consent from customers.
(3) In the case of jointly using handling of the acquired personal information with a third party, or when offering or consigning it to a third party, guidance by strictly selecting a person with a level of personal information protection · We will conduct management and carry out appropriate supervision.

3. Procedures to respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use etc.
(1) We will promptly respond to personal information held by our company within reasonable scope.
(2) We will respond promptly when there is a request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion or suspension of use of personal information concerning the relevant person from the customer himself.

4. Prevention and correction of loss, damage, leakage and unauthorized access of personal information
We will strictly control your personal information and take necessary and appropriate measures against all risks such as loss, damage, leakage and unauthorized access of personal information.

5. Compliance with laws and other norms concerning personal information
Our officers, employees and collaborators will comply with laws and guidelines and other relevant norms concerning the protection of personal information and secrecy of communication

6. Continuous improvement of personal information protection policy and internal regulations
We will implement measures necessary for the proper management of personal information, and periodically evaluate such measures and review or improve it.

7. Inquiries concerning handling of personal information
If you have any questions or complaints regarding the handling of personal information,
Please contact us at info@hagiwara-kankou.com.

Date of enactment August 26, 2016
Representative Director and President

Kazutaka Hagiwara